The Tommy Elliott Fund for Community Leadership

The mission of the Tommy Elliott Fund is to inspire individuals to build community by bringing together people of diverse backgrounds and points of view to achieve greater societal benefit. The Fund annually provides a grant to support the civic work of an individual who connects people across demographics.

The range and depth of nonprofits across the Louisville area is astounding and inspiring! Imagine if every nonprofit could tell a compelling story that captivates and inspires people to support their mission. Good storytelling is a “must have” for every nonprofit leader to really sell their work. Stories fuel connections that build community.

Partnering with Leadership Louisville’s Ignite Program to boost nonprofit storytelling skills

Since its inception in 2004, Ignite Louisville participants have worked on over 170 projects for area nonprofits to plan, execute and sustain new strategies for success. In return, Ignite Louisville participants gain experience in community leadership, board involvement, and teamwork. At the end of the program year, the Ignite teams present their projects to a panel of esteemed leaders who then choose the most impactful team.

Starting in 2024, the Tommy Elliott Fund is partnering with Ignite Louisville to offer an additional component to the nonprofits participating in the Ignite Program – training on compelling storytelling. The Ignite nonprofits will receive training and participate in a storytelling competition that will award a $6,000 grant to a nonprofit organization to enhance the Tommy Elliott Fund mission of connecting and inspiring people for greater good.

The winner will be selected based on their storytelling prowess combined with the traits that Tommy Elliott exemplified: Positive Attitude, Grit, Strong Work Ethic, Curiosity, Champion for Diversity, and an Endless Goal for Connecting People.

The Award Process for Non-profit Storytelling

The Tommy Elliott Fund Storytelling Program is integrated into the annual Ignite Louisville initiative of Leadership Louisville. The following steps outline the Fund’s process and Ignite Louisville’s timeline for nonprofits to apply for the Tommy Elliott Fund grant.

  1. The application period for nonprofits to apply to the Ignite Program is July 1 – September 1, 2024.
  2. Seven nonprofits will be selected and paired with an Ignite team on October 14 for the following six months.
  3. Each of the selected nonprofits will identify a representative to the Storytelling training (tentatively scheduled for February 6, 2025).  
  4. Following the initial training, the nonprofits will be offered additional training opportunities for growth in their storytelling skills during through April 11, 2025.
  5. On the morning of April 15, 2025, the nonprofits will participate in a storytelling competition judged by The Fund leaders with a $6,000 grant going to the winning nonprofit’s designated 501c3 at the April 15 Ignite Louisville graduation event.
  6. Additional community storytelling opportunities will be available to the winning nonprofit throughout 2025.


Tommy Elliott

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